MochaBlend C4D Currently Supports C4D R16 to R22.
MochaBlend C4D works best with versions of mocha that have the MochaBlend exporters: mocha plus or mocha Pro 4.1.3, or above.
When you purchase MochaBlend C4D, your license entitles you to install it with a single C4D serial number for up to 3 users .
MochaBlend C4D uses the support-subscription model for updates and new features. There won’t be a Version-1, Version-2, Version-3, etc… MochaBlend C4D is continuously updated online. Any new features or updates issued during your support period can be downloaded and installed by MochaBlend C4D. This system insures that you will always have the latest improvements and features. MochaBlend C4D comes with a 1-year support-subscription that starts on your purchase date. If you don’t use MochaBlend C4D for awhile, and your support expires, MochaBlend C4D will still install everything released up to your expiration date. This means you don’t have to make sure you update it the day before your subscription expires.
Your subscription can be extended in 1-year increments, at any time, by purchasing an extension at the GSG e-store. Each extension adds time to the end of your current subscription. For example, if you have 6-months left with you current subscription, then you will have 18-months of support after you purchase an extension. If your subscription lapses, then you will start a new 1-year subscription whenever you purchase an extension. You don’t pay for the time that you were out of support! Even if your support expires, you’re MochaBlend C4D license will continue to be valid for as long as you comply with the current EULA.
If you purchase the MochaBlend C4D License Server version, then you must purchase the number of MochaBlend seats that matches your C4D License Server installation!
All sales are final.
License terms are subject to change at any time.
Please read the EULA below before purchasing. |